Nowadays, Amazon is one of the companies that stands out as one of the leaders in sales. Due to all this exposure, it is common for many people to wonder how to sell on Amazon. But will it really be worth it?
The truth is, there are some issues you should understand before even learning how to sell on Amazon. There is no denying that the company is one of the main e-commerce platforms in the world, not just in Brazil.
As a result, it allows users to advertise a range of products to multiple buyers. So, the profit margin tends to be much higher, given that the exposure is also much greater.
Furthermore, something very interesting about Amazon is the fact that it offers several options for plans, making it capable of hosting different profiles of sellers. Thus, it is also a way to choose the modality that will guarantee you the most profit.
Whether paying a fixed fee and commission on top of the total sale amount, for example, to be able to advertise all your items on the platform. In today’s article, we’ll address whether it’s really worth selling on Amazon and what the necessary procedures are.
Other than that, to make sure it’s something valid, it’s interesting to know both the positive and negative points. So, without further ado, let’s get down to business!
Who can sell on Amazon?
Before we talk about selling on Amazon, it’s essential that you know which people can sell on the platform. But, in this regard, you certainly won’t have major problems, since the tool is very democratic.
We say this due to the fact that it is enough to have a valid CPF or CNPJ to make sales. Amazon does not limit sales to legal entities only, but to anyone. So it ends up being a great way to leverage your sales number.
Furthermore, it is good to point out that it is not necessary to make any social contract or documents of that kind to register as a seller. That is, it is very simple to use the Amazon platform to make your sales.
What does it take to get started? What are the necessary documents?
Another thing you should know about selling on Amazon is what it takes to register. As I said, it’s pretty simple. Just provide your personal information such as name, address, email, telephone, and an identification document.
Other than that, in order to receive payment, you will need to have an international credit card and a bank account with the same registered CPF or CNPJ. The card must be MasterCard, Visa, or Diners. Otherwise, it might not work.
Once you have registered, just start publishing all your products, so that sales can be made through the website. As you can see, this is a very simple and quick step-by-step.
What are the plans and fees?
In fact, Amazon has two different types of selling plans, which are individual and professional. Each will best serve a specific type of audience.
In the case of the individual package, for example, it is ideal for those who make less than 10 items per month. In this case, the cost is R$2.00 for each item that is sold.
Now, regarding the professional plan, it has no maximum sales limit per month, and its value is fixed at R$19.90. And this value does not change, regardless of how many products you sell during the period. Something very advantageous.
However, in addition to the fixed fees, the seller will also have to pay the commission amount for each item you sell. Amazon charges a percentage of the total sale price, and this includes both the value of the item and extra shipping and gift-wrapping charges.
How does the payment work?
In addition to knowing how to sell on Amazon, you are certainly interested in finding out about payment. In this regard, know that it is done every fortnight, through a deposit in the bank account that you informed at the time of registration.
You can even check the amount and date on which the deposits will be made on the site itself. Other than that, no matter how much the customer chooses to pay in installments, the seller receives the full amount, at no additional cost, regardless of the number of installments that the customer chose.
Can I sell in other countries?
Yes, but only those who opted for the professional plan can sell to other countries. But even in this plan, it will only be possible to make sales on the Amazon platform in Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
It is still possible to manage all sales through a single account, eliminating the need to create a profile on each platform, for example.
What are the possible advantages and disadvantages?
The truth is that selling through Amazon is a great way to find more customers not only in Brazil but in many other places around the world. And this is already a great advantage, considering that it is a way to leverage the exposure of your products.
In addition, Amazon allows its sellers to customize the shipping model that best suits their product, in addition to offering easy management of all sales, even those that went abroad.
That is, with virtually no bureaucracy anyone can advertise the products. Another advantage is that it is not necessary to pay extra fees to receive the money in your bank account, unlike other platforms.
In Mercado Livre, for example, there is a need to pay a fee in order to receive the deposit in the account. The only downside is for those who are not going to sell so many items on Amazon, given that in addition to the fixed amount, you have to pay commission fees.