Hello, Engineer this is “shahid Saleem”,
Today we have brought you, A wonderful gadget, Which is through a pen drive, we can open the door, Meaning the pen drive which we have shown, you can make at home,
You can secure your password at home with a pen drive.
When the circuit will be installed on the door and whenever you will put a pen drive on it,
Then the door will open, Inserting any other pen drive will not open,
So this is a very good gadget, and it is secure, So let’s see how you can easily make a pen drive door lock at home.
This door lock you see, how have I actually worked on it, Actually I have a previous video which I made, Which I put on glasses, The door opens when the button is pressed,
It works with IR sender and IR receiver that come on pressing the button,
Right now it has a circuit, it is totally the same.
Only the IR sender and IR receiver have been removed. And we have connected it through a data cable. Meaning is connecting through the pin, We have made the same circuit in another way, and has been made a pen drive. I made it with this system, So now let’s build and show the complete circuit, and how it works.
Now you have seen, how we have made a receiver, Through AT mega, you can use any device for Arduino if you want, Right now we will make the pen drive which will be the sender, We will put the software later, First, we make the pen drive,
So let’s make the pen drive.
Right now you can see, I have made a pen drive, On one I have put a secure with a password, and don’t put anything on the other, Or will it be fake programming,
Which I have put the correct programming on the pen drive, Through that we can open it, We will open it by putting programming on it.
How do I put programming on the AT mega and 18E85, I have everything,
Let’s test it now. Now you can see, it is complete. Here I have made two pen drives.
One there is the correct code and the other there is no code. Whenever I’ll put it on,
So wherever it is right, it will be open from the same code. There is a lock on the door installed here, it will open.
It’s on a female USB, Whenever you put this USB in it will work only,
Here I have put an AT mega, You can put any Arduino it you want, Just look at it,I am putting it on a pen drive.Actually after putting it won’t work.
Because it’s fake. I am giving it power now.
Power on now, You see, whenever I put it inside, nothing will work,
It is glowing the power LED, But none is working, This is the wrong QR, Whenever I enter the correct QR the door will open, It works very well.
Meaning it’s your key chain, Any key you can use it like chine and, And you can put any door with the help of software.
And it will be open. In this way can I open the door.
It is a wonderful gadget, So did you see, how we can easily secure the door by making a pen drive?If you like this video, then you can like it and share it with your friends.