How to Make Money Selling Simple Stuff? Awesome Tips!

How to make money selling simple things? In this post, I will show you the way to succeed with sales of easy-to-consume items.

Whenever we think about starting a business, the first hurdle that comes to mind is the budget. Almost always, those who want to enter this world are in need of an income and therefore cannot invest much at the beginning. In addition, another goal of new entrepreneurs is to make money quickly, after all, those who can wait for results for 6 months or 1 year can invest in something bigger.

That said, I would like to highlight a few points before we start talking more about how to make money selling simple things.

A priori, if you need to earn money urgently, but you are not in a position to invest in a medium or large business, the solution is to sell simple things. But keep in mind that simple things almost always have a lower commercial value and therefore more work is needed to make a good income.

However, this is not a major concern for women who already have a working day with home and children. It is perfectly possible to reconcile things, just planning, and organization.

The second issue here is that in addition to having to work a little harder, we need to focus on products that don’t have a very limited audience. That’s because the more groups consume what we offer, the more profitability we will have. But don’t worry about it. I will talk about this later.

Well, if you’re really willing to work in sales and you’ve chosen to sell simple and cheap things, know that it’s important to follow a plan. So, I have prepared some information that will help a lot!

How to Make Money Selling Simple Things: What Else Makes a Profit to Sell?

When the question is how to make money selling simple things, the heart of the matter is what will make the most profit. After all, the objective here, at least the main one, is to make money.

At first, I can say that if you have any skill in the kitchen, you already have a lot going for you. The reason is simple: food is always first in the market.

In addition, this is the sector that suffers the least damage in the face of a crisis, given that food is the last to be cut in case of financial difficulty. Nobody can live without food, right?

In this way, low-cost food products for the consumer are usually sold quickly, we have as a great example the delivery of pastel, cake in the pot, gourmet ice cream, and savory pies.

These foods, in addition to having strong commercial appeal and going out quickly, are still highly profitable. It is possible to take more than 100% of the investment, so if you have this skill, it is worth choosing one of these products and not wasting time.

The food industry is very broad and those who want to work with it can opt for other products. Another wonderful and profitable tip is to sell spices.

Yea! In the same way as ready-to-eat foods, seasonings that are part of the preparation of any dish are also a good alternative. The most popular is garlic, but there are many types that are easy to get out on the market, for example:

  • Bahia seasoning
  • Special for meats and roasts
  • Seasoning for rice and beans
  • Others

Things to Sell Easy – Fresh and Dry Seasoning: Which is Best?

If you choose to work with the sale of spices, you should know that fresh spices are the most suitable options for housewives and restaurants, as they do not have a long shelf life, unless they are kept in the fridge or freezer.

On average, they last for 1 month at room temperature, 6 months in the fridge, and 1 year in the freezer. That’s when they take natural preservatives like salt and olive oil.

On the other hand, there are the so-called dried ones that are made from dehydrated herbs or ingredients such as garlic and onion powder. These, in turn, last up to 1 year at room temperature and are recommended to sell to supermarkets.

The tip is to always start with a clean menu and offer the most popular products. Friends, acquaintances and family will certainly be your first customers and only with them will you already make a lot of profit.

What’s Easier to Sell?

When it comes to making money selling simple things, the female audience is undoubtedly the most profitable! So, we can start this topic by talking about jewelry.

An amazing option for those who can’t spend a lot on inventory, but need something that sells fast. You might think that because of the crisis, women don’t want to buy these items, but believe me! We are facing products that provide some relief in the face of so many problems we go through.

It doesn’t cost much! Paying little to have pleasure and feel more beautiful is something feasible! In addition, nowadays, without being able to go out often, it is common for people to use these pieces at home.

Jewelry are pieces that accept a greater marketing appeal, of the “buy just to help me” type. The price usually doesn’t weigh anything in the budget.

In addition, the female audience is very receptive to personal hygiene and beauty products, such as cosmetic creams. Therefore, it is possible to earn a lot of money with the resale of these products, including becoming a reseller of well-known companies such as Avon, Natura, O Boticário, Hinode, etc.

Of course, you must know which the most used products in this niche are, so it is best to start with a basic stock of those that cannot be missed.

Handmade soaps are a good option and you can even make your own. On the internet, we can find tutorials teaching how to do it.

Finally, it is also possible to make money selling cleaning products, diffusers, essential oils, beds, tables, and bath items, etc.

How to Make Money Selling Simple Stuff – What’s Good to Sell on the Street?

Well! For sure, one of the best ways to generate extra income with sales is to work with products that can be sold on the street, they are one of the categories of things to sell easily.

Some people prefer not to face this modality, especially women with small children, but if that’s not your case, know that this business can be very profitable.

For those who want to know how to make money selling simple and cheap things, a good opportunity is to work with the sale of sweets and snacks.

The first tip is the famous and delicious brigadeiro. It can be the traditional wrap or the more modern, brigadeiro in the glass. Truffles, too, are well accepted by most people, especially stuffed ones. Here we can also work with the sale of cakes in the pot and gourmet ice cream.

The next tip for items to sell on the street is savory snacks and they have always been an easy and profitable alternative.

The flagship is the famous coxinha for which most people melt. Who can resist a juicy and warm chicken kitchen? In addition, you can sell pastel, croquette, kibbeh, and several others such as savory pie. The gourmet pastel version is one of the biggest hits with its fillings with catupiry, different meats (oxtail, jerky, etc.). It is worth using creativity and making the difference between competitors.

Another cheap tip that you can sell on the street is the famous warm ones, the secret to being able to sell a cheap marmitex and still make a profit is to put together a varied menu with more affordable items.

Although food is more expensive today, if you do research and try to buy the items on the menu on the day of promotions, it is possible to make a profit.

As with everything we sell, we need to be careful in the presentation of food and also have a greater concern with hygiene.

These are undoubtedly great options for working on the street, but they can also be part of a delicious delivery menu.

What to do to sell with 100 reais?

This is the last topic on how to make money selling simple things, so there couldn’t be an alternative for those who, in fact, have little money to invest in a business.

But is it possible to do something with only 100 reais?

The good news is that it does! I know of several success stories of people who have achieved success with ventures that required even less than that in the beginning. It is possible to start, for example, a bakery, a warm disk, and other things.

The idea here is to be patient, investing little, and using the profits to reinvest in the venture. Depending on what you choose to do, in a short time, it will be possible to make enough profits to make an extra income.

In that case, I suggest you choose your niche well, do some good market research, look for suppliers with the fairest price and create a real and executable business plan. Absolutely everything within its limits. In this way, you will be reducing risks and ensuring that you do not have negative surprises in the future. Here are some ideas of what we can sell, investing R$100 or less and making a quick profit:

  • Salad in the Pot or fruit salad
  • cake in the pot
  • Gourmet Brigadeiro and Savory
  • Jewelry
  • Natural cleaning products and cosmetics

So, if the crisis also got to you, or if you’ve been looking for an opportunity to work from home and generate extra income for a while, just follow one of these suggestions. In fact, it is possible to create two of these businesses at the same time.

See more cheap and simple to sell products

In addition to the tips we talked about, there are still many cheap products that you can sell and make money, so check out these tips more.

Produce and sell car essences

The essences for cars are products that, in addition to being simple to produce, have a low cost.

In packaging stores, you can find the bottles and probably the essences.

The cost for production is around 2.50 reais and can be sold for more or less R$10.00. So your profit can be more than double.

You can actually make good money selling car essence.

Mineral water is something simple and cheap to sell

Working selling water at events on the street or in parks, this is something that makes a lot of profit. So, take advantage of this opportunity.

We all need to consume water, and when we go out to these places it is more practical to buy water on the spot than to take it from home.

You can buy bales of water wholesale, for a very low price. Even if you have to buy a styrofoam and ice box, you can still make a good profit.

Make money selling accessories

There are many cheap accessories you can sell. At first start by buying a few products and as you reach more customers you increase your stock. Also, see how much you can invest, you have cheap accessories but also those with a higher value.

Is it good to define who will be your audience, will it be men or women?

Also see what age group, etc., as your sales will be much higher if you have your persona well defined.

Here are some accessories you can sell:

  • bags
  • wallets
  • Belts
  • Clocks
  • Sunglasses
  • Socks
  • scarves
  • tiaras

And besides these, there are many others that you can sell and generate income.

Make money selling simple things – Sell phone cases

Cell phone cases are cheap and simple, so it’s a good option for you to sell.

There are those vendors who choose to work on the street, but others sell to those closest to them.

If you choose to sell cell phone cases, try to choose the most beautiful ones and always follow the trends.

be a reseller

One of the advantages of being a reseller is that you almost always don’t need to make any initial investment, but when necessary, the value tends to be low.

There are a lot of direct-selling companies, so do your research and choose one that meets your goals.

As a reseller, you have the option to work from home, and you can spend more time with your family.

These companies usually offer a virtual store and catalogs for their representatives, which makes sales and promotion easier.

A large number of people choose to become resellers, and some work in more than one company. The best-known companies are Avon, Eudora, Natura, Jequiti, etc.

In most of them, you work with products that people use on a daily basis, so they are good to sell.

Although it is common to sell toiletries, cosmetics, and makeup, there are many other products that you can resell.

There are also those network marketing companies that in addition to earning from sales, you earn from referrals and so on. So, try to understand how these companies work and choose the one that best represents you.

The Secret to Success Selling Cheap Things

Sometimes, because you are selling something that costs little, you have that feeling that you can run your business anyway, but be careful with that thought.

Even selling cheap things, it is essential that you have wisdom when managing your earnings.

Never use all of the profit to do what you need to, like pay bills, buy personal items, etc., but try to reinvest part of the profit in the product you choose to sell.

Another important point is to always take notes, write down how much you used for initial investment and how many items you bought, but don’t stop there, always write down the sales made with their respective values. By doing so, you will have control over your business and know how much profit you are making.

These tips are simple and many people already know, but many do not put them into practice, especially when they work with sales of cheap things. But if you want to get out of the crisis and really succeed, these steps are essential.

How to make money selling simple things on the internet

To increase your sales, work well with the dissemination of your products, in addition to word of mouth, use social networks a lot, as they are great allies.

By using the internet to sell your products, you can reach many more customers. If you do face-to-face service, you can register on Google Search Console, because with it your customers can reach your service location. In addition, with the Console, your customers will have access to key information about your products and business.

Use Instagram, Facebook and abuse WhatsApp sales strategies, as this can boost your sales of simple things on the internet.

Hope you enjoyed these tips on how to make money selling simple things. If you need help getting started, just get in touch.


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